Working Out

It is important to look after the gift of our bodies Allah has given us. We must take care of it. From the food we eat, to our prayers and exercise - building strong routines around a healthy lifestyle can elevate our happiness and contentment.

Working out requires discipline but there are methods to ease the mental friction:

  1. Set a goal. Is it endurance you are training for or strength? Find an exercise routine that works for you. Perhaps you want to be able to run faster and further or perhaps just increase your confidence - it is important to have a goal in mind.

  2. Find a friend or friends to go with. It can be really encouraging to have friends to support you. You can help each other develop by suggesting new work outs and giving constructive criticism.

  3. Write down what body parts you are exercising and tick off each time you accomplished a workout. There is a sense of satisfaction looking back at all the work outs you have done, keeping track of your exercise can be a key way to keep you motivated.

Omar and I are both focussing on a particular school of exercise called calisthenics, which is a form of exercise that uses a person’s body weight and little to no equipment. Calisthenics was made by joining the Greek kalos, meaning "beautiful," and sthenos, meaning "strength."

What attracts me to calisthenics is how functional it is and how easily it translates into sports. It gives you a strong mind and body connection and can really boost your confidence. There are certain moves you can work towards such as muscle ups, front levers and hand stand push ups - there are clearly defined progressions, keeping you motivated to reach the next steps. I would highly recommend you try it out!

Thank you for reading and stay strong!



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