New Designs

t-shirt colours

Coming up with new designs in the fashion industry is no easy task. Despite fashion being largely subjective, there are certain aesthetics that are more appealing to the eye than others. What is it that makes one design more appealing than another? Are there imbedded laws within beauty, certain dimensions and colour combinations that are more attractive than others? I think we can all agree on this but then there is a blurred area of beauty where things start to become more subjective. There is no best colour combination or best logo, rather an array of attractive or unattractive art works. These differences are, in themselves, beautiful.

Omar and myself have finally landed on some new designs where InshaAllah we will be slowly be revealing elements of, over the coming weeks. Keep an eye out on our Instagram: for updates!

If you were to be presented with a blank T-shirt, what sort of designs would you come up with?

blank t-shirt


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