Be Steadfast

Being Trampled On

Life comes with its challenges and without being headstrong we get trampled on. Trampled on by others, our work, our thoughts, ourselves.

It is important to build our minds to withstand adversity so that we can push forth and succeed in our endeavours. One trait we can adopt to do this is being steadfast.

Hold on to your Values

Being steadfast is not easy. It requires us to minimise distractions, focus our minds on a target and put our heads down.

It is about keeping our goal in sight, not letting go of our values when we pursue our goal and shielding negative thoughts that prevent us from reaching our destination.


Being steadfast means action during times of inaction. When we are feeling lazy, unmotivated, just not willing to get started on a task that we know needs getting done, just remember to be steadfast is to act during those times. To prioritise actions over feelings.


The rewards of being steadfast are realised after achieving our goals. We reflect how we were able to avoid distractions, fill ourselves with a strong sense of direction and move towards our destination.

It enables us not only to take joy from the achievement itself, but from the process of getting there.


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