Be Determined

We face many monsters in our lives and it is easy just to cower, run as far as possible, and never think of the monster again. But believe it or not, the monsters we face hold incredible value if we can overcome them.

Defeating our Monsters

Some of our deepest fears lurk in our minds like monsters. They prevent us from taking action or moving towards our values. To defeat them, we need courage, the ability to stand up in the face of adversity, to hold firm to our values, and move even when our mind-objects.

Sometimes studying our monsters can help us overcome them. Understanding where our fears originate enables us to adopt a more logical approach to the battle.

For example, if we suffer from self-doubt that is we don’t believe we are capable of achieving something. Think about where that thought came from. Is it because we talk to ourselves negatively? Are we taking on the opinions of friends and family? By analyzing our fears, we can identify the monster’s weak spots and take action. We could start with positive affirmations, defending ourselves when being provoked, and staying true to our values when being confronted. With time, our self-doubt diminishes and we develop a new character.


In defeating our monsters we learn more about ourselves and the world around us.

In overcoming self-doubt we become more confident.

In overcoming anxiety we become more steadfast.

In overcoming depression we become more sympathetic.

There is a lesson hiding behind each monster we face. We must sharpen our swords by training ourselves to adopt the traits that overcome our inner struggles.

Thank you for reading and I hope you found this article insightful!


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